Documentation To Have In Your Car
Documentation To Have In Your Car
As in other European countries, there is certain documentation to be carried in your car at all times, not only is it a legal requirement, it also makes things easier in case of an emergency or dealing with authorities
- Driving Licence: By now everybody with a residence permit for Spain should have a Spanish driving licence. The licence must be valid and appropriate to the type of vehicle
- Permiso de Circulacion and Ficha Tecnica: These are the two documents every vehicle must have:-
- The first shows in whose name the vehicle is registered, the registration, make model and year of registration.
- The second shows all the technical details of the vehicle
- ITV certificate and Windscreen sticker: All cars must have an ITV inspection when they are 4 years old, and will be valid for 2 years. When the vehicles are 10 years old the inspection is annual. The vehicle documentation will be stamped and a sticker in the windscreen will show your vehicle has passed the obligatory inspection
- Insurance: If stopped by the authorities this will be the third piece of documentation asked to be shown. The insurance must show at least the third party liability cover, to be legally on the road, it should also be shown with proof of payment within the dates on the document.
- Accident Claim Form: This is to report any accident involving another vehicle or not. It is a standard form throughout Europe and collects all the necessary information of the parties involved.
Apart from the above documentation, there are also certain ítems to be kept in the vehicle
- Warning Triangles: These are to warn other drivers your vehicle has stopped due to mechanical failure or an accident.
- Reflective Jackets: These should be inside the car, glove compartment, or side panel, not in the boot, so it can be worn before exiting the vehicle in case of an accident or breakdown.
- Spare tyre or Repair Kit: New vehicles are not fitted with a spare wheel, just with a repair kit. However if your car comes with a spare wheel, it also needs a jack and wheel brace.
Keeping these documents and ítems is not only a legal requirement, it also ensures your safety while driving. Not having them could lead to a fine and possible legal issues.
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Article brought to you by:-
Franco Valori
Hermanos Chorro
Insurance Brokers
Nº Reg. Correduría: VS-98-0130
Telf. +34 670 745 330
Web: www.hermanoschorro.com.